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VPS Hosting Service

Trader’s Way offers its customers a high-quality VPS hosting service with a limitless 24/7 connection.

Access to our remote server ensures that your robots, Expert Advisors (EAs) and scripts function continuously and without interruption, even if your computer is switched off. Our remote server is located in close proximity to Traders Way’s main server, guaranteeing maximum uptime for your trading, no matter the quality of your local connection.

Among other advantageous features of Traders Way’s remote trading terminal are the following:

  • 24/7 connection. You can continue trading non-stop even when your computer is switched off. You don’t need to run your own computer all the time and can just check what your Expert Advisors and robots are up to. Enjoy the extra time created for you by the unceasing functioning of the remote server;
  • Perfect connection. Located in close proximity to Traders Way’s main server, the remote server ensures that your trading is executed with maximum uptime;
  • Any operating system. Regardless of your preferred OS (Windows, MacOS, Linux), it’s easy to get connected to the Traders Way’s VPS server;
  • Pre-installed MT4 software. The Trader’s Way MetaTrader 4 trading terminal is pre-installed and the system is ready for trading;
  • Simultaneous use of several trading terminals. Continue to have access to the trading terminal on your own computer while staying connected to the remote server. Widen your trading opportunities and make the most out of your trading by using several trading terminals;
  • Any additional software. Trader’s Way allows you to install any trading software you like to ensure maximum opportunities. You will receive a dedicated space on fast SAS/SSD HDDs;
  • High security level. Just change your Administrator password and nobody can get access to your expert advisors or private info.

Terms & Conditions:

  • The VPS hosting service is available at NO COST* to clients:
    • with account balance equal or above Min Balance level and trades number per month above Min Trades level, or
    • with balance less than Min Balance level and trading volume above Min Volume level per month.
  • Clients with account balance less than Min Balance level and trading volume less than Min Volume level will be charged with a VPS Package fee.

VPS Packages**:

Name CPU RAM HDD*** Min Balance, USD Min Trades,
Min Volume,
Fee, USD *****
Basic 2000 MHz ( 1 processor) 4096 MB DDR4 ECC C:\ 100 GB SSD RAID10

D:\ 200 GB SATA RAID10

1,000 5 10 30
Pro 6000 MHz ( 3 processor) 16384 MB DDR4 ECC C:\ 300 GB SSD RAID10

D:\ 600 GB SATA RAID10

10,000 0 25 50

VPS host: enterprise premium-class DELL server with Intel Xeon E5-2650v4, Intel Xeon E5-2667 or Intel Xeon Gold 5218 processor
OS version: Windows Server 2012 (Basic) | 2016 (Pro)

How to get started:

  1. Send a request to from your trading account registration email with the Subject that contains: your Trading Platform, your Trading Account Number, VPS Package Name. (e.g. MT4, #12345, Basic). Your account balance should be more than the requested VPS Package fee;
  2. We will send you VPS access details with step-by-step instructions;
  3. After one month of VPS service usage we will calculate the trading volume and the number of trades on your account. If it is less than Min Volume or Min Trades level respectively, the VPS Package fee will be withdrawn from your account.

Trading with Trader’s Way you can be sure of the widest range of trading opportunities. All financial markets, different types of accounts for any taste and the most advanced technologies are at your services. Enjoy the freedom of trading and live the life of maximum opportunities! 

* The fee is charged upfront and is compensated at the end of period if the requirements are met.
** For a more powerful solution, please, email us to and we will do our utmost to find the best configuration for your targets under the most competitive conditions.
*** Server is based on fast and reliable SAS/SSD HDDs.
**** Standard round turn lots, applies for accounts with balance less than Min Balance level.
***** Applies for accounts with balance less than Min Balance level and trading volume less than Min Volume level.

Disclaimer: The VPS service is provided “as is”. Trader’s Way does not guarantee the correctness or completeness of the service, and hereby informs that interruptions, inaccuracies, errors and omissions do and will from time to time occur. Trader’s Way shall not have any liability whatsoever for any interruptions, inaccuracies, errors or omission, regardless of cause, or any losses that the client incurs as a result thereof. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Trader’s Way disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use or purpose.