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telefon: +1 849 9370815

e-mail: [email protected]

100% Depozyt Bonus

Trader’s Way rozszerza Twoje możlowości handlownia, dostarczjąc Ci 100% bonus do Twojego depozytu. Potrzebujesz tylko złożyć depozyt, wysłać nam email i bonus będzie dopisanyh do Twojego konta. Bonus jest wypłacany do Twojego konta na zasadach obrotów dziennego handlownia.

Terms & Conditions:

  • The bonus is 100% of the deposit, limited up to $5,000 per client
  • The bonus is applicable for MT4.MICRO.,MT4.FIX., MT4.VAR. and MT4.ECN accounts ONLY
  • The bonus is cashed to your account at the end of every day (except Micro accounts). Rebate = 0.5USD per lot
  • The bonus CANNOT be withdrawn
  • The bonus is cancelled in case of ANY withdrawals
  • The bonus is EXCLUDED from the balance during StopOut calculation and is cancelled at the StopOut. Note: In the MetaTrader 4 trading platform the bonus is included in the equity. To calculate your real margin level you need to deduct the bonus from the equity shown in MT4 and divide this amount on the margin used.

How to get the bonus:

  1. Deposit funds
  2. Send an email to [email protected] with the following subject: “100_deposit bonus_Your trading account number”

Trading with Trader’s Way you can be sure of the widest range of trading opportunities. All financial markets, different types of accounts for any taste and the most advanced technologies are at your services. Enjoy the freedom of trading and live the life of maximum opportunities!


  • Trader’s Way reserves the right to change or modify the promotion rules, stop the promotion or any of its parts anytime without prior notification
  • Any arguable situation not listed in these rules will be the subject to the decision of Trader’s Way. Any decision taken by Trader’s Way will be considered final and mandatory for all the parties
  • Trader’s Way reserves the right to decline client’s bonus application without explaining the reason
  • Trader’s Way reserves the right to cancel client’s bonus without explaining the reason
  • Trader’s Way reserves the right to block client’s account and cancel the deals made using the bonus
  • The English version of these rules should be considered prevailing over any other language versions